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Advanced Chemical Peel

PCA SKIN® Advanced chemical peels are a safe and effective way to improve  and prevent many common skin conditions, such as ageing, acne, skin tone and sensitive skin, or rosacea as well as fine lines and wrinkles. PCA SKIN® chemical peels are formulated with unique ingredient blends that work with your skin to allow comfortable and efficient treatments . The result is fresh glowing healthy skin.[/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/2″][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section][bt_section][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″][bt_hr top_spaced=”topSemiSpaced” bottom_spaced=”not-spaced” transparent_border=”noBorder” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_hr][bt_accordion][bt_accordion_items headline=”OVERVIEW”]

Chemical peels are for everyone. Whether your skin is dry, oily , combination or even sensitive, there is a chemical treatment that will work for you. Treatments are carried out by a PCA SKIN® certified professional, to leave you with a fresh and healthy glow.  Monthly treatments can even skin tone, clear acne, improve the appearance of ageing and make dull complexions glow.

Peels are safe for all skin types. We will identify the combination of treatment that is best for  your skin, in order for you to gain the greatest benefits.

[/bt_accordion_items][bt_accordion_items headline=”WHAT ARE PEELS FOR?”]

Chemical peels are not just for fine lines and wrinkles, They are a safe and comfortable way  to improve and even prevent most skin concerns, including discolouration, ageing, and even rosacea and acne

[/bt_accordion_items][bt_accordion_items headline=”HOW DO PEELS WORK?”]

Chemical peels speed up the natural exfoliation process of the skin, encouraging cell turnover leaving skin looking fresh and healthy. A chemical peel will allow your skin will shed dead or damaged surface cells, revealing new, healthy skin cells, free of signs of ageing, sun damage and other damage .

[/bt_accordion_items][bt_accordion_items headline=”WHY DO I NEED A PEEL?”]

Our skin natural exfoliates, subtly shedding the dead skin, so subtly that most of us dont even notice. As we age, this process slows down even further resulting in a dull complexion. A PCA SKIN® chemical peel will speed up this natural process, in a safe and effective way

[/bt_accordion_items][bt_accordion_items headline=”WHAT IS THE PRICE?”]

  • Single treatment £120
  • Course of 4 treatments £360, save £120
  • Course of 6 treatments £480, save £240

Try a  trial PCA Chemical Peel treatment for  £60, this is 50% off a full treatment, saving you £60


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